Look, I’m not going to lie. This week has been just plain weird. So many strange things have been going on each day and really, they’re too good not to share. So here we go with this week’s Friday Five, the weird things edition!
1 // Scott flew out to LAX on Sunday morning. The day after some nutter decided it would be a good idea to show the innocent public just who exactly is the boss when it comes to security at Terminal 3. Which, btw, is the very terminal that all Virgin flights from LA to Brisbane depart from. So to say I was relieved that Scott was flying into LAX and not flying out of there would be a bit of an understatement. Before he left I made him promise me that if he was caught up in any sort of terrifying act while over there, that it was no time for heroic acts of bravery and that he should just run for his life and leave the saving people bit to someone else who doesn’t have a wife and two kids waiting for him at home. Of course that suggestion was met with various questions such as “What if I trip over someone while I’m running for my life? Can I stop and pick them up or do I just keep running?” and “If I tackle a gunman does that automatically make me a hero? Or do I have to do also save a life or two while I’m at it? Cos I can totally do both” or how about my personal favourite… “But what if I’m at a bar and I’ve just ordered a beer? Do I have to put it down or can I drink it first and then run for my life?” I don’t know about you, but I got the distinct impression he wasn’t taking me seriously with the whole Run For Your Life thing. Either way, it was one weird convo to be having and an even weirder feeling waving him off, knowing that some twit had been on a shooting rampage in the airport less than 24 hours earlier.
2 // So after I’d recovered from the weirdness of saying goodbye to a husband who thinks he could totally tackle a gunman while also saving the life of some random while also possibly carrying a large glass of beer, I checked my emails only to discover I’d scored an A on my first graphic design assignment. Weird with a capital W. I honestly thought my brain was fried from the boredom that comes with doing nothing but vacuuming, scrubbing toilets and supervising homework for 5 years straight. But apparently not. Turns out I can actually belt out a 2000 word assignment in a couple of days and manage to get a fairly decent mark for doing so. Who knew? Not me. That’s for sure.
3 // On Saturday, Sophie asked me what it felt like to be stung by a wasp. Her eyes were as wide as saucers when I proceeded to tell her about the time I was stung by a wasp while hanging out the washing (See. Not only is housework downright boring, it’s also fraught with danger. A lot like exercise. Which is why I try to avoid both as often as possible) Anyway, after hearing all about my wasp stinging incident, Sophie quickly informed me that she never wants to get stung by a wasp in her “whole, entire life because it sounds awful and painful and not very nice at all.”
Fast forward 24 hours and Soph’s innocently sitting on the edge of the pool, when she lets out a blood curdling scream, followed by a fair bit of breath holding and vigorous hand shaking. I run over to see what’s wrong, she points at her leg and screams, “It hurts, it hurts” I look down and BAM! there’s a wasp’s stinger thingy hanging out of her thigh. I mean, really. Talk about weird. Once I’d whipped the stingy bit out of her leg and Sophie had calmed down a bit I shook her hand and said, “Congratulations. You now know what it feels like to get stung by a wasp.” To which she replied, “Really? I thought it was an ant bite. But then I thought it must have been a really big ant. So then I didn’t know what to think. But now I know it’s a wasp, I’m all like ‘Wow. That’s pretty cool.” On a completely unrelated note, I’m fairly sure being able to talk under concrete with a mouthful of marbles is a hereditary condition.
4 // On Monday we were driving to school in what can only be described as Gale Force Winds. There’s a fair bit of bush/nature/wildlife where we live and I’d just made a comment to the kids that all the birds would be finding it hard to fly in this wind. And what do you reckon happened not 2 minutes later? That’s right, a lorikeet gets blown off course and slams into my drivers side window. Not.Even.Kidding. I think we can all agree that on a scale of 1 – Lady Gaga, that was pretty bloody weird.
5 // Tuesday was Melbourne Cup Day and as I was, once again, taking the kids to school, I asked Sophie what horse I should put a bet on. She announced, “3, 5 or 10 because 3 is my favourite number. 5 is half of 10 and you know how much I love even numbers? Well, 10 is my favourite even number.” And yes, before you ask, that’s how she answers almost every question I ask her. So.Many.Words.
Anyway, at the lunch thing I went to I threw 2 bucks in the sweep, dipped my hand in the bucket and BAM! Pulled out Number 3. Which came second and scored me 15 bucks. I know. I was as weirded out by that one as you are.
So when I got home, I sat and thought about all of those freaky, weird co-incidences that had happened in the last few days and decided it was time the Universe started giving me some things that I’d actually quite like. I’m fairly sure we’ve managed to cover the categories of Small Windfalls, Mother Nature Gone Wild, Potential Acts of Heroism and Teachers Pet, so how about now we aim for something a bit more exciting like A Book Deal, My Own Stationery Line, Chocolate That Makes You Skinny, Frizz Free Hair, First Class Tickets to Anywhere, Babies For Those That Desperately Want Them and Happiness For Everyone. Seriously. How hard could that be to organise?
While we’re at it, feel free to go ahead and add your non-weird wants and needs to the list. I’d love to hear them. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday!
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