Yesterday I got myself a flu shot, which reminded me of this post I belted out a couple of years ago when the blog had approximately 3.5 readers. Sadly yesterday’s jab wasn’t anywhere near as funny or eventful as the Nespresso fuelled shot I received in 2013….
So yesterday I channelled my inner 80 year old and got myself a flu shot. Like all good doctor’s surgeries, I put in a solid 45 minutes of waiting time, which didn’t really bother me because I had a pile of washing at home that I was avoiding and, as luck would it have it, it was just enough time to hear one of the doctors announce the name “Ray Pervert” Not. Even. Kidding.
As soon as I heard the doc call out the name “Ray Pervert”, all I could think of was that guy in the bar on The Simpsons yelling out “Ray Pervert. Is there a Ray Pervert here? Do we have a Pervert in the building?”
This of course saw me come down with a serious case of the giggles, while texting the funny situation to my cousin. Which naturally made me look like a complete lunatic giggling violently to myself, while staring at my phone!
And right at that moment, out walked the nurse. She took one look at me, giggling at my phone about poor old Ray and his unfortunate surname, called my name and told me to wait in the hallway. Probably to make sure I wasn’t high. She grabbed my flu vaccine from my sweaty palms (needles make me nervous) and politely informed me that they’d run out of room in the Nurses Station and would I mind if she gave me the flu shot in their tea room? Um, ok then.
So I followed the nurse down the hallway and into the tea room, where she proceeded to lay out the flu shot supplies on the coffee table. As you do.
And then BAM! She whacked that flu shot in my arm, while I innocently admiring their fancy pants Nespresso machine. I don’t know what shocked me more. Getting the flu shot while standing up in a tea room or the fact that nurses don’t drink instant coffee anymore!
How do you like your coffee? One flu shot or two?
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