Friday was spent finishing off Module 7 of the Graphic Design course I’m currently studying. I had to come up with a logo for faux Kenyan coffee beans. Here’s what I submitted…
7 modules down, 4 to go. I’ve somehow managed to score straight A’s so far, so clearly I have the whole Teacher’s Pet thing down pat.
Friday night involved a couple of G&T’s…
and dessert. I felt like something sweet, but I’m trying not to expand over winter, so made a berry cobbler. Threw in some chia seeds, which made it totally healthy and pretty much vegan/paleo/whatevs. Will post the recipe later in the week…
Saturday I was Mum’s Taxi At Your Service. Took Bailey to the movies, picked Bailey up from the movies. Took Bailey to golf. Picked Bailey up from golf. Cleaned the house in between my taxi duties and celebrated living such a glam life by rolling another G&T as soon as that clock hit 5pm…
After dinner, Sophie suggested we have Family Fun Night, which basically involves Guns whipping up to the shop to grab chocolate while the kids set up the Wii and I try and come with an excuse to not play virtual basketball. Sophie stepped things up a notch by whipping out a score board….
Don’t freak out about those random letters down the side. If you learnt music at school, it’s still Every Good Boy Deserves Fruit. Apparently that version in the pic is for the guitar, which Guns got from You Tube so I’m like 47% certain it’s legit. For those interested, despite the fact that I somehow managed to whip everyone’s butt in the wii wake boarding challenge, Guns won Family Fun Night due to his superior table tennis action and fairly impressive ability to not let the children win at anything.
Sunday was spent looking at display homes, which isn’t anywhere near as boring as it sounds. Especially when you pretend you’re completely cashed up and totally in the market for something like this…
No, that’s not a lounge room. It’s part of a Master Bedroom. Because who doesn’t enjoy pouring themselves a sneaky beverage in the middle of the night?
Came home and decided to put everyone into a diabetic coma with this brownie, marshmallow, chocolate icing arrangement…
and because there was no Real Housewives of Anywhere to watch on the tv, Sunday night was spent putting in a fair bit of time on Pinterest. I’m off to the hairdresser on Wednesday, so naturally I needed to pin several impossible hair styles and colours for her to attempt to re-create. Loved this look, but feel it might be a bit tricky to do things like get in the car or put on a shirt with such big hair, which sort of limits things a bit, so might have to stick with something a bit more practical.
How about you? What did you get up to on the weekend?
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