This time next week, I’ll be lying on the beach in Hawaii. Probably watching Scott and Sophie paddle boarding/swimming with turtles/surfing, while Bailey and I take a more sensible approach and work our way through the cocktail menu (me) and food menu (him).
Work Rest Travel Repeat print available to purchase here
I know I promised back in January to go all Adventure Mom on everyone and do all sorts of crazy things while we were in Hawaii (you can read post right here) but that was before I knew I had this pesky little thing called IIH.
So I reckon Adventure Mom might just sit this one out and stick to the things she’s actually good at and possibly deserves, such as shopping and working her way through the cocktail list!
I’ve been to Hawaii before, but it was way back in 1987 when I was 14. Look, here’s a scrapbooking visual:
Remember being 14? God it was like so totally embarrassing to be seen with your parents, wasn’t it?!
You can only imagine how I felt about Dad stopping at a roadside hotdog stand and having the audacity to not only order a hot dog but to also EAT IT. And then, as if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, Mum got out of the hire car (which OMG was a convertible. HOW EMBARRASSING) AND TOOK A PHOTO. AND Dad wasn’t even wearing the right shoes. Or shorts. And he insisted on wanting to talk to me the entire holiday. It was weird. And embarrassing.
I mean, REALLY. What an absolute delight I must’ve been during that holiday! #sorrymum #sorrydad
Fast forward nearly 30 years and I’m very grateful to have such wonderful parents and wish I could go back and give my 14-year-old self quite the talking to!
But back to Hawaii. Have you been there? Can you rattle off some suggestions of things to do in Hawaii? Places to go, people to see? Any and all suggestions welcome!
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