Things you start doing in your 40s! Kirsten and co has a list of 5 of them for you.
So long time readers will know that I turned 40 early this year. But what you might not know, is that since I’ve turned 40 I may or may not be embracing my inner nanna.
Not on purpose or anything. It’s just that I was standing in the pantry earlier this week searching frantically for a handbag size pack of tissues when I suddenly thought to myself, “OMG, I’m turning into my mum. She carries tissues everywhere. And she’s a 63 year old Nanna. Bloody hell, I think I might be a Nanna too.”
And of course this was quickly followed up with the following thought of, “I’ll totally blog about being a Nanna.” So here we go with my list of Things You Start Doing In Your 40s! Enjoy…
1 // Buying Handbag Sized Tissue Packs. Yep. I’m totally carrying these in my handbag now. So if ever you need to wipe a mark off your tshirt/blot your face or even actually blow your nose, I’m your girl.
2 // Lecturing Gorgeous Young Things About Looking After Their Skin. Yep, I’m totally doing that. All.the.time. Because my skin was flawless in my 20’s and then I had kids/turned 30/got old and BAM! My skin was covered in more blotches than a Dalmatian. So now my hairdresser, eyebrow waxer, best friends teenage daughter and anyone else who crosses my path with crystal clear skin gets the Old Lady Nanna Lecture about always wearing sunscreen and appreciating their beautiful skin while they’ve got it.
3 // Watching Old People Shows On The ABC And Actually Enjoying Them. Yep, I’m totally tuning into Q&A every Monday night, which, for those of you not in the know, is a current affairs Question and Answer program that usually focuses on political issues. It should also be noted that the bloke in the photo is Clive Palmer, who in my Old Lady Nanna Opinion, is more of a nut case than a politician. See. I wasn’t kidding when I said I was turning into a Nanna. I’m now giving out free political advice/opinions. You’re welcome!
4 // Ballet Flats Are My New Footwear Of Choice. Yep, I’ve totally stopped wearing high heels. Because I’m now the proud owner of two dodgy knees. I know. I’m just as appalled as you are. But what can you do when you’re 40 and may or may not have early onset osteoarthritis? (which according to google, I totally have. It’s on the interwebs, so it must be true.)
5 // I Find Myself “Tut Tutting” At Young Girls Wearing Denim Undies At The Shops. Yep, I’m doing that. Because 40 is the new 80. And I’m an old lady who thinks short shorts are a bit revolting. Even though I wore them when I was a skinny young thing. And my mum used to tell me they looked awful and I should go upstairs and get changed into something more respectable immediately. See. Told you I was turning into my mum. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to do a bit of knitting and give the local a library a call to see if the latest copy of Readers Digest has hit the shelves yet.
Are you in your 40s? What things have you started doing? I’d love to know!
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