Normally I’m a really patient person. It takes a fair bit to ruffle my feathers but if there’s one thing that really frustrates me, it’s technology that won’t work!
A couple of days ago the email set up on my phone started playing up and after several attempts at trying to fix it, I decided it was easier for all concerned (mainly myself and the phone) if I just delete the email service from my phone altogether.
I told myself it was a blessing in disguise, because let’s face it, I’m like a seagull to a hot chip when it comes to my phone and to be honest, I’m fairly sure I’m one Instagram photo away from getting RSI in my left arm!
Anyway, yesterday afternoon I fired up the computer to check my emails and nothing happened. Not a thing. Well the computer turned on and everything was working, except for the email account linked to this blog.
No biggie, I told myself. I’ll be able to fix this in no time. 3 hours and two borderline neglected children* later and I STILL hadn’t worked out how to fix the damn thing.
*Jokes. No child of mine is ever neglected. They both know where the pantry is and can turn on the TV by themselves, so it’s all ok!
Scott happened to ring me from the airport lounge when I was right in the thick of trying unsuccessfully to solve my latest technology related crisis and let me tell you, that there’s nothing quite as calming or soothing as hearing your husband say, “Could I have a coke and a ham and cheese toasted sandwich please?” to some random at the fancy pants lounge while you’re trying to fix a stupid POP3 server thingy AND fire up the cooktop to make god knows what for dinner!
But, I’m pleased to report that I was very polite and only spoke through gritted teeth twice while filling him in on my rather frustrating afternoon, so that was a win for everyone, don’t you think?!
On a less positive note, I still haven’t figured out how to fix the email issue (the pesky things are refusing to turn up in the inbox on my Mac) but I have worked out how to log into my account and access my emails from there, so that’ll have to do until I have another few hours up my sleeve to try and sort it out.
In the meantime, tell me, what frustrates you? Is it technology related or something else? I’m nosey, so I’d love to know!
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