Welcome to this week’s Friday Five, the What’s On Your Bucket List Edition! I’m fairly sure everyone’s got one, so today I thought we could all share what’s on our bucket lists. I’ll go first if you like:
Kirsten and co’s Bucket List:
#1: Have a gap year
Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids and would do pretty much anything for them. Except their maths homework because, well, my talents lie elsewhere!
But back to my bucket list…. I love my kids desperately, yet I can not even begin to tell you how much time and energy I put into daydreaming about when they’re finally both adults and Scott and I can get on with having a grown up gap year!
Of course we’ll need to win some form of lotto based competition to make the gap year happen, because you can’t really travel the world and hold down a job in Brisbane at the same time, but that’s a minor detail.
I’m thinking that our first stop will be London and from there we’ll zip over to Scotland and Ireland before settling in Paris for a few months.
Of course the kids are welcome to come and visit us anytime, but I can’t guarantee we’ll be home!
#2: Score a book deal
Someone told me once that I could probably talk under water with a mouthful of marbles. Actually, now I think about it, I’ve been told that on more than one occasion.
I kind of think of this blog as my place to go to have a chat with you all and I can’t tell you how much I would love to turn these chatty blog posts into a book! I’m not entirely sure it would be a book anyone would want to buy and I’d probably need to get Charmaine on board somehow, but again, minor details!
#3: Sync my phone without having every song I’ve ever purchased appear on the playlist
God this drives me nuts! Everytime I sync my phone I either kill it entirely and have to spend ages on the phone with some Irish Apple bloke in a Tasmanian call centre* while he “talks me through the reset process” OR I end up with every song I’ve ever purchased magically appearing on my playlist.
*I’m not joking with that one. Seamus and I had quite the lengthy chat about the beauty of Tasmania and my wish to visit Ireland last time I broke my phone!
Honestly, if I have to manually delete Stan Walker’s single Little Black Box (you can thank my Australia Idol phase for that purchase) or a rather stirring rendition of Advance Australia Fair (I had to learn the second verse so I could actually sing it during school assembly, rather than kind of mouth the words like I was in some sort of weird karaoke lip synching comp) one more time, I think I might just purchase a Nokia and be done with it!

Anyone know where I can get some fush & chups?
#4: Watch a Bathurst race, at Bathurst
I don’t know where my love of watching Bathurst has come from and trust me when I say it has shocked me as much as it’s shocked you, but I would LOVE to watch the Bathurst race live!
#5: Invent a way to get rid of tuckshop arms
that doesn’t actually require any hard work! I mean, yeah, I know, if I channelled my inner Michele Bridges and did push ups and tricep dips all day long, I’d probably have awesome looking arms. But honestly, I’m too busy sipping on G&T’s and watching The Real Housewives of Anywhere for that sort of fitness based nonsense!
I’ve been working on various ways to get rid of tuckshop arms for quite some time now and so far I’ve only come up with wearing cardis over anything without sleeves (less than ideal in the hot Summer months) and living in Antarctica (a good option if you love penguins and limited access to wifi).
I think it’s save to say I’ve got a long way to go before I manage to invent the lazy girls guide to getting rid of tuckshop arms, but holy crap! If I’m not mistaken, I think I might have just written the actual title for my first book!
Ok, now it’s your turn. What’s on your bucket list? I REALLY want to know!
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