So tell me, because I’m a little bit nosey about the everyday things, what’s your favourite day of the week?
I love Tuesdays. They’re the one day of the week where I don’t have to do the school run. Scott drops the kids off on his way to work every Tuesday because they have to be there early for Choir (Sophie) and Guitar (Bailey).
That means that once I’ve made the school lunches and reminded the kids to make sure they’ve got their homework/dairy/hat/whatevs with them as they fly out the door, the day is all mine.
I usually have a coffee and then go for a bike ride. I’m not a lover of exercise but since Scott & the kids gave me Mabel for my birthday, I’ve become a huge fan of bike riding. I KNOW. That one has shocked me too!
Once I get home from my bike ride I usually fire up my computer and get stuck into some blogging, process orders in The Shop and possibly do a bit of online shopping housework. Then it’s off to do the groceries and run errands, because you know, the glamour never ends, before it’s time to pick the kids up from school and start thinking about what I’m going to throw together for dinner!
The other 4 days of the week seem to be a crazy busy combination of school runs, work and boring domestic duties, so it’s really nice to have one day a week where the pace is slightly slower.
Of course I’m also a massive fan of Friday (hello Fizzy Friday! It’s always so nice to meet you!) and Saturday’s aren’t to shabby either.
How about you? What’s your favourite day of the week?
PS: Thank you so much to everyone who has left comments, emailed or sent messages via Facebook about my recent health issues. All signs are pointing towards something called Intercranial Hypertension, which while isn’t fun to have, it’s definitely a relief to know there’s nothing nasty happening inside my brain. Next stop is to have a lumbar puncture to measure and then drain the excess fluid, which should result in my sight improving and the numbness in my face disappearing. Long story short, I’ll be ok. Thank you for your kind words and lovely thoughts. This little community of fabulous readers we’ve got going on here is all sorts of awesome xox
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