So if you’ve been here for a while, you’ll remember the post I wrote about how Scott and I met. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, click on the hot pink underlined words in that last sentence and it’ll take you to the post. Go on. It’s not a bad read and we’ll wait for you to come back.
Anyway, throughout that post I refer to a bloke called Chip Boy, mostly because I didn’t ask him if it was ok to include him in the story prior to hitting publish, so I gave him a name that would protect his identity. Because, believe it or not, there are people out there who don’t like to over share or have their personal details on a blog for any old random to read. I KNOW. SO WEIRD!
But today, I’m revealing Chip Boys name because lately he’s been on a bit of mission. A Starbucks mission to be exact.
You see, after Chip Boy read this post, where Scott got on board the Charmaine Train and ordered me Charmaine a coffee, which arrived looking like this:
and after seeing this instagram pic of the coffee I ordered for myself at Starbucks,
Chip Boy started sending me photos of his Starbucks name.
So, based on the photos Chip Boy has sent me, today we’re going to play a little game I like to call ‘Can You Guess Chip Boys Actual Name?’
Starbucks Name, Clue Number One:
Starbucks Name, Clue Number 2:
Starbucks Name, Clue Number 3:
Despite what’s written on the Starbucks coffee cups, Chip Boy’s actual name isn’t Crege, Greg or even Creige! So have a guess.
What do you think his actual name is? The first person to guess correctly will win a very small and slightly random prize from me!
But before you have a guess, tell me, what’s your Starbucks name?
(FYI: My name’s Kirsten. Not Charmaine and definitely not Carissa!)
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