It’s a frequently asked question at this time of year isn’t it? When do you put up the Christmas tree?
Up until a few years ago I used to be a complete rule follower. The tree went up on December 1st and not a day before.
I never knew why that was a rule, it was just how it always was. A tradition, I guess.
But now when people ask me when should the Christmas tree go up at their place my answer is this,
you should put that tree up whenever you like.
Life is full of rules. If you celebrate Christmas, I say relax the rules and put the tree up whenever you want to!
We put our tree up yesterday and it was FUN. We all pitched in with setting it up and decorating it – you can catch the action on Insta Stories. Although the stories only stay on Instagram for 24 hours and I posted everything from 4pm Sunday, so depending on when you’re reading this, the videos could be gone.
So there’s no more waiting until December 1st at our house for the tree action to happen. We go with the flow and put the Christmas tree up whenever we feel like it. This year it was November 20th. Next year it could be December 20th. Who knows?!
What I do know is this. Life is too short not to have fun.
Christmas can be a stressful time for many different reasons. Let’s not add putting the tree up to that list. Why not have some fun with it this year and break the rules?!
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