Last weekend I headed to the Gold Coast to attend Problogger 2016. It’s a conference for bloggers and social media types with a heavy focus on learning, networking and eating.
No, that is not a typo. There is never a shortage of food at Problogger. After two days of learning how to become an online entrepreneur while inhaling everything from macarons to delicately steamed fish in the breaks, you make your way home feeling inspired yet ready for a hardcore food and beverage detox!
This year I left the conference with a notebook jam-packed full of quotes from the various speakers I listened to. Gems such as
- perfection is a fairytale and
- community is the future of business
from Brian Fanzo had me writing quicker than you could say, “Oh look, there’s cute little pots of cheesecake for dessert today!”
But the one piece of advice that has stuck with me the most was this:
Darren is the bloke who organises Problogger every year and those words belong to his Mum. Is it just me, or does Darren’s Mum seem like a very wise lady?
Your life will be better if you take action on the things you avoid
During his keynote presentation, Darren went onto talk about how why we avoid things {hello fear, it’s not really that great to meet you}
He also encouraged us to think about one or two things we’ve been avoiding and then set about actually doing them – because if we’re still thinking about them, then they’re probably things that are important to us.
SO. Guess what I’m doing right now?
I’m planning an event. An event just for you.
Truth be told, I already had the whole thing planned quite some time ago, after several readers emailed me and asked if I had ever thought about organised an afternoon where we could all meet up. And then I put it on hold for various reasons {oh look, there’s that fear thing creeping in again}
But there’s nothing to be afraid of here. What’s the worst that could happen? No one will turn up and I’ll have an entire afternoon to myself with a fair bit of champers and food to consume #notawful
And we all know that won’t happen because everyone who drops by Kirsten and co to have a read is just so lovely and supportive. I’m sure there’s 30 of you who would be keen to meet me for a coffee and/or a champers on a Saturday afternoon in November?
If you’d like to get on the list to attend the event, simply complete the form below and you’ll be the first to know more!
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